Matt Cutts- "How can a site that focuses on video or images improve its rankings?"

Matt Cutts answers How can a site that focuses on video or images improve its rankings?

Matt Cutts- “How can a site that focuses on video or images improve its rankings?”

Matt Cutts answers How can a site that focuses on video or images improve its rankings?

Matt Cutts – Is it worth spending time on creating tags and categories?

Google’s Matt Cutts answers “Is it worth spending time on creating tags and categories?”

Matt Cutts Discusses Changing Hosts and DNS Tips

Matt Cutts answers Will changing hosts cause any SEO concerns?

Matt Cutts Answers – Are nofollow links irrelevant?

Nothing Interesting On Your Site = No Traffic!

Nothing Interesting On Your Site = No Traffic!

I am not sure if I am getting too irritated or if this is just a difficult concept for people to understand. I have had like 10 conversations this week with people that do not understand that traffic is just that, traffic. It doesn’t mean that it is “quality” traffic- traffic that will convert to […]