I am a little embarrassed to say that I was a huge Comcast advocate because I was so sure that cable was faster than DSL. I had significant Internet problems with Comcast the last two years of my service. I wouldn’t even discuss it, but I have talked to people around the country and it seems we all had the same issues. In fact, I got a call from eLance yesterday and the guy on the phone asked why I changed my email. When I explained I was having problems with Comcast he started telling me his issues (in California) and my problems (in Florida) were the same. Because I want to inform people and small businesses about services they can benefit from, I am going to explain why I believe Verizon offers superior Internet service.
So, quickly I will tell you the problems I had with Comcast. My connection kept dropping off; sometimes hours at a time, sometimes days at a time. Nothing I did could get it back and Comcast told me multiple times it was my computer. Well, I knew that was wrong because four computers cannot be broke. Even so, I went through the long talks with them for hours at a time. I did everything they said while I tried to understand someone that spoke no English. I waited while they came to my home over and over with no results.
Then they said it was my router, so I bought another one…a month later it was so messed up again and they said I didn’t get a good enough router (the 2nd most expensive at Best Buy wasn’t enough). I spent hours on the phone…HOURS and HOURS and nothing was fixed beyond an hour. I had to keep transferring files to my PDA to send to my clients. I was irritated and greatly frustrated and no one could/would help. AND no one cared; they didn’t care at all and were very rude. I was sick of threatening to get another service, so I went to my friend’s house and played with the Verizon DSL. Guess what? It kicked my connection’s butt, so I went for it. We changed and I haven’t had a second of regret. Verizon’s DSL is so fast it is a amazing. It has never gone down; not once and I have 4 laptops, an XBOX 360 and a TiVo using it. As a fantastic bonus, for bargain hunters like myself, I am only paying half of what I did for Comcast. I always have service and my business never has any problems- ever.
So, I save money and have a constant connection. Three laptops run non-stop (and an XBOX 360) and everything is perfect, so I recommend that anyone that is having problems with their ISP look into Verizon. Check your friend’s homes if they use it and see if it has the reliability you are looking for.
I am now going for the Verizon Fios. They say it is faster than DSL, but I do not know how that can be possible. I am looking forward to being amazed.