I have spent the past week with potential clients stressed out because they do not feel they can afford web design and/or optimization services. Well, the truth is anyone can afford to create an effective and beneficial web presense. I wrote about affordable web design and I have pretty much explained on this blog what you need to optimize, but if you cannot afford it please understand that there are 4 areas of your site that you can easily optimize to increase traffic.
I will say that not everyone has the ability to properly research the right keywords and/or keyword phrases that will enable you to truly compete with other businesses. However, if there are not several web sites you need to compete with and your web site would be one of the few that would show up for your city’s/town’s name for your specific business you have a great shot at optimizing yourself and doing well.
The 4 Areas You Need to Know About & Understand When Self-optimizing:
- Title-tag
- Meta Description
- Meta Keywords
- The content/copy on every page
These 4 areas need to be integrated…to support one another. There are other areas you can optimize and I have explained some of them in my “What Is” Section to the right.
The main point of this blog is that you can afford to create a web presense.
Anyone can afford it. Every lawn man/woman, handy man/woman, insurance agent and small business can afford to have an optimized web site. It is sad that most small businesses are not aware of it. I am hoping to eventually create a blog where people can learn about optimization and find affordable ways to market their businesses. This is my goal.
Some blog entries I would recommend reading:
If You Have a Business, YOU NEED a Web Presence
The Top 5 Things You Need In An Up-to-date Web Site
Affordable, Optimized Web Design Services Available Nationwide? YES.
CSS- Do you know what it is? Or why Google prefers…
Bad Advice About Finding Free Content
A misconception about links and link exchanges
Free SEO Tools & Informational Resources
Keyword Density- Keyword Stuffing -The Basics of Keywords and Keyword Phrases
Some Basic Website Psychology to Consider When Designing a Website