Sites with free SEO Tools:
SEO Chat– Many Useful SEO Tools
SEO Company-136 free SEO Tools– More Free SEO Tools
Free Sitemap Generator- can give you a free sitemap. You can download an un-compressed XML sitemap, a compressed XML site-map, an HTML sitemap or a text sitemap.
Copyscape allows you to enter your URL and it scans the Internet to determine if any one has stolen the copy from your site.
Reciprocal Link Tool See who is linking to your site.- SEOBook
Link Popularity Comparison Tool by SEOBook. Compare your links with you competitors.
Competition Finder See the pages indexed by Google that use your keywords in their page title and anchor text.- SEOBook- *** Must have a Google Key
Search Engine Saturation Tool See how many pages you have indexed compared to competitor sites.
Keyword & Density Prominence v1.2 will examine a URL for Keyword Density, Keyword Placement, & Prominence.
Google SEO Tool looks at a URL & gives a detailed report of the words used & density info.
Informational Resources:– Well basically, this site discusses all the aspects of Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Resources, and more.
Some of my favorite pages include:
Search Engine Optimization by Danny Sullivan–Great page to start learning some of the basics and valuable SEO tools are listed.
Major Search Engines and Directories by Danny Sullivan– This article breaks down the different search engines and directories and how your website can get listed on each.
Metacrawlers and Metasearch Engines by Chris Sherman– This article explains how Metacrawlers work. There is also an extensive list or MetaCrawlers and Metasearch Engines with a description for each.
Matt Cutt’s Blog– He is an employee of Google and his Blog offers valuable search engine information on updates and changes.
Digital Point Forums- This is a forum, or message board, that allows your to ask questions and read discussions about Google, Yahoo, Internet Marketing & SEO, Web Business Issues, Web Design and Development, and it offers a tool section. I am not saying take anyone’s advice, but there are many professionals here that can answer questions for you. It is also a very friendly place.– Great SEO glossary. Check it out. You will learn a lot.