I know that I have to spend a great amount of time on the Internet because I need to research and read daily. To be a successful blogger you must spend a great amount of time reading as well. The question is how much time is too much time on the Internet. Are we addicted to the Internet or do we need it for work and is it a little bit of both?
I think that in my line of work it is easy to spend too much time on the net and I know I need to be watching it. I have a family that need my attention and clients that need my attention (although I kind of have to be on the net for them)I am an information junkie. I love to learn new things and I am weird in that when I learn about something for the first time I typically research and read everything on the subject. I love to learn and even though I have a masters degree (I have to say I did work my butt off for 3 years to get it) I know that my education is limited. So, I keep reading.
So, what the heck is the point of this post?
Well, honestly my concern for my fellow SEOs, Internet Marketers and Bloggers. I carry my laptop with me…everywhere. I know how much time is truly needed on the net and there is really no way to avoid it, but if you have a family you need to balance the two.
I have a 3 year old and a 15 year old. I can’t tell you how fast 15 years went and what is like to know that in 3 years he is going to be gone. I need to spend time with him now, no matter how much work I have, so I have to balance the two. At times this is not an easy task.
Just a thought. Be well.