I have said it before and I feel I should say it again. Web visitors do not want to work to find the info they are looking for. They don’t want to have to think either. They want the info right infront of them. So, I suggest that you make it as easy as possible for them.
Going to a web site and finding information should almost be effortless. You want people to go and see the info they need right away,
Web Sites & Blogs Need:
- Idiot-Proof Navigation
- To Be Clutter Free
- To Be Visually Appealing.
- Have Text That Quickly Gives Information the Visitor Is Looking For
- Text That Doesn’t Require the Reader to Think Too Much- such as looking words up on an online dictionary.
- Choose A Font Size They Can Read…Please! If it is too hard to read why stay and keep reading?
- Contact Information That is Right In The Face of the Visitor. I personally like to see a phone number without having to click on the contact page. Some people don’t know what to look for and they don’t want to take the time to research. They would rather call; allow them to do that!
Think about what you want and like when you go to a web site or go to 10-15 sites and determine what aspects of the sites you like the best. You can assume that visitors to your site will like the same things. Remember “Simple” & “Easy”. We all have to think too much as it is.