Today is 9-11. It is weird and sad. It reminds us all that even though we run around and act like life is fine and we are safe we really are not.
The only reason we have escaped another attack is because our government has worked diligently to prevent another attack. We have been very, very lucky. I know there are not a lot of George Bush fans out there, but I want you to keep something in mind when you vote in the next election- we need a stong President that understands that our military funding cannot be cut. We need a President that understands that we are at risk and is more concerned with protecting us than winning a popularity contest.
To all the victims and the families of the victims of 9-11. You are always in my thoughts; 6 years has gone by, but it seems like it was yesterday.
To our military. God bless you and thank you for taking care of us all.
Some Pictures That Show That Our Fight For SAFETY is Not Over!
There was a recent demonstration in London that the US press failed to cover. Other countries, including Canada saw the footage, but we did not. Some say it is because the American press does not want to show anything that will support George Bush’s beliefs in any way. Keep these things in mind.
Let me also say that these are extremists and there are many great Muslims throughout the world.
Here were my feelings last