I won R2-D2 1 Gig Mimobot from Kristofers Blog. I am so excited! It is so cute and it is perfect for me. I took some pictures to give you an idea of how small it is. I have a 14 inch screen and the laptop overall is small…
The R2 lights up when you plug him in. It came with photos, icons, wallpaper and more. There are some movies, but I believe they are for MACs.
I am very thankful I won. This is a great prize for the first prize I ever one. Thanks to Kristofers Blog.
Melissa- SEOAware.com
Hey.. Glad you got it..glad you like it..
The movies aren’t for macs, there is a program in there that will play them for you.. can’t recall what it’s called but it opens up so you can explore everything on the usb drive and play the movies
Thanks. I will go through all the files again! 🙂