I read Rod Jones Article “Do We Need Educational Standards For Learning SEO?” at Search Engine Watch about SEO Standards and I have read many other articles discussing the possibilities, the problems and all the other issues.
If we can’t all agree on how to standardize this constantly changing industry right now, how about the top industry experts come up with a code of ethics? You can say you will abide by them or not. The ethics could touch on education and many areas we are all concerned with, Many non-SEOs selling the services won’t understand why there is a code of ethics in the first place. Will they even bother?
Something needs to happen, I agree, but I don’t think every SEO in the country needs to spend $3,000-5,000 to become a “real SEO”. SEO is going to become a massive industry and we need a code of ethics. Maybe on a code of ethics site we could have some “what to avoid” articles for consumers. Give them information to help them differentiate between those that can and those that can’t.
So there is my random thought for the day, Have a great weekend.
Melissa- SEOAware.com