I usually don’t get into these things, but I have to say that I am sickened and ashamed of the media and honestly the people I hear calling radio stations and even people talking in the store. So here is my opinion…
Two parents just lost their child. Hello?? They lost their baby. The public is completely unaware of what they did to care for their child, but it appears and has always appeared as though they loved their son as much as any other parent. It is wrong to listen to the media spin and then judge these parents for the lies you hear. The media wants headlines so they will say whatever to make money. We all know they can’t be believed 95% of the time.
The bottom line is a beautiful child is gone and we can only assume to know they pain these parents are in. To add to their grief by questioning whether they took care of their child or not is just sick. It also is not our business how they took care of their child. I don’t know John Travolta, but he has always appeared to be a very loving man that cares deeply for people. When I heard about his son all I could think is that I had never seen an interview with him or read about an interview where he did not mention his son. He loved his son.
I believe in my heart that he did everything possible to care for his child. He had a nanny and a child monitor in his room, obviously they wanted him protected. No one has any right to pass judgment on this family. What if you were in the same position?
We need to have compassion and love for this family and we need to pray for them. I don’t know how I could even breathe if something happened to one of my kids. It is unimaginable how horrible it would be to not only lose a child, but also be attacked on TV, in the papers, in magazine and on the radio at the same time.
All I can say to those that are attacking this family is, what is wrong with you? Just be quiet and let this family mourn.
My condolences to the Travolta family. God Bless Jett.