We tell people over and over and over that when planning optimization for a site there is a lot of research and planning involved. We can’t just create an “App” or a program that is going to give you effective optimization. We have to really get to know an industry, talk with our clients, research (a lot) and then plan each and every page of a site.
If you see someone offering “Apps” or “Programs” that auto-generate and you are a small-medium business I say you need to walk away. There are some businesses, such as car dealerships, where we can help the database generate what we need for a certain chunk of pages, but not everything and even that is research and planned.
However if you are in the car business or real estate I can’t give everyone the same thing! I can’t sell Mary what I sold Bob. I also can’t optimize for many people in the same industry in the same town; how fair is that? If Mr. Fake SEO is trying to sell you and everyone else in your town and industry the same deal how is that going to help you? It isn’t.
My point is to be careful. Don’t go with someone that is just too lazy or ignorant to be a real SEO. Just because they heard the term doesn’t mean they know how to do the job. They can say it all day long, heck my 6 year old says it all the time, but it doesn’t mean they know what SEO is or what it has become in the last couple of years.
Choose wisely; don’t end up having to pay twice.