All I need is a Twitter and Facebook account to be in Social Media, right?
Well, actually no! Social media is not just having a Facebook account with a lot of friends or a Twitter account that no one follows. To create a successful and effective Social Media campaign you must have a plan, do some research and refine your plan. If it was as simple as having a Facebook account we would all be rich! 🙂
How can I need optimization when I Google my business name and I am #1???
It really isn’t hard to show up for a business name (although some people don’t). What matters is showing up for the services and/or products you offer and your location(s). If you are looking for a company to provide a certain service do you always Google a business name? Or do you search for a service and location?
My site is so pretty, why don’t I show up on Google?
Well, being pretty isn’t everything. Would the Victoria’s Secret catalogs be great if you couldn’t see the models? Sometimes websites are coded in ways that Google can’t see…so guess what? They don’t end up in their index OR if they do end up in the index Google isn’t sure how to index the site because they can’t see anything. This is a major, major problem!
Why is the content such an issue? Can’t we copy and paste from our brochure?
No for many reasons! Here are our top 3;
- Copy is a very important part of optimization.
- It needs to read like it was written for visitors, but also be optimized for the search engines.
- We can get people to your site all day, but if they don’t read something that convinces them to invest in your services what is the point? Conversion is key!
Why can’t you just send us your standard costs?
We don’t have standard costs. Every client is different and has different needs. Some need more than others; we don’t have standard fees that apply to everyone because we develop specific goals with each client and these goals require different amounts of time, work and consulting.
Why will you not give us a proposal??? (Yes, we do this)
We pride ourselves on being ethical. If we feel that we cannot be successful at accomplishing what a client needs due to a badly coded website or if we feel the client doesn’t see that their money will be wasted on an ineffectual goal we walk away. We will not lie and say we can give you a miracle when we cannot. We prefer you save your money and invest in a site/goal that will actually work for you, whether you choose us or not.
Why do you talk about educating us? Why does that matter?
SEO Aware feels that by educating our clients on what we do and why we are doing what we are doing we create a more effective relationship with our clients. Many times clients have fantastic ideas once they understand the process. We don’t know your business like you do and an open and honest relationship between our staff and the clients allows us to brainstorm as a team and create extremely effective strategies.
What is different about your company?
SEO Aware provides an optimization and Internet marketing strategy combined with a website (that is coded well). We don’t offer a website that needs to be optimized and then recommend you find an Internet marketing company to supplement your website. We research and plan before hand to ensure that when your website launches you have every opportunity to do extremely well.