Had a talk with some folks at the Search and Social Summit and was asked what we do that is different. Psychology – it is a huge part of all marketing efforts and it should be considered when you are marketing online. SEO Aware is focused on the Psychology of your website, your online marketing efforts and sales. Some things to think about and what our blog entries will be focusing on this month;
- Are you addressing everyone you should in your content, your advertising copy, your photos and your videos?
- Are you targeting?
- Have you considered the different learning styles of all people?
- Why would/ should someone buy from you?
- What have you said that convinces them to spend money in this economy?
- What about your web design creates trust immediately?
- What about your copy that is scanned creates trust immediately?
- Have you proven that you are trustworthy? are you SURE????
- Have you made it clear that you are an expert at the services you offer?
- Why are you an expert and why would I believe that just looking through a computer screen?
- Have you used effective content, graphics, photos or videos to create trust and prove that you know what you are doing?
- Have you hired an SEO consultant that understands the psychology of sales? Have they even considered it?
Some things to think about, like right now! Seriously!