When I got my first iPhone, the 3GS, I had problems at first where my face touching the screen would hang up on people. After a few weeks this stopped. However, I would by accident mute people or put them on hold all the time. Sometimes I could touch the top sleep button and the phone would remain on, other times it hung up on people; I couldn’t use that option with confidence…it was still a great phone.
iPhone 4
I noticed immediately that my face was hanging up on everyone. I don’t overly smush the phone with my face. I hold it like I do any other phone. I now have to have it on speaker and hold it away from my face and people say it doesn’t sound as good. The hangs are crazy!
New Cases Didn’t Account for Screen Protectors
I bought a screen protector at AT&T Wireless and a ifrogz case. AT&T said the screen protector didn’t fit with the case, so I left with just the case. I read on BestBuy.com that many people can’t get the screen protector to work with any case…I assumed I would have to wait for a better case to come out. I think the over sensitivity issue compared to my last phone may be because I don’t have a screen protector, so I bought one and I am going to cut it to fit and see if things get better. I will let you know!
Melissa Fach
Did your screen sensitivity issues get better? I’ve had mine replaced and the new phone still has issues!
Joy Argow