Don’t Get Stuck on the SEO, There is So Much More
I totally understand the importance of SEO for every type of client, but I think people get so caught up in the numbers and the data that they forget that all of that information doesn’t mean anything without conversion! I understand getting addicted to the data and the trends and the rankings, but all of […]
Mistakes We Have Seen Big Business Making This Year
Businesses big and small should all be concerned with the same things: Pleasing Customers Creating Trust Being Found Converting Bringing in more potential customers online! What we are seeing are some large businesses making bad online marketing decisions. Here are some of the mistakes we see. Large Companies and Their Mistakes or Misconceptions Many large […]
Is Your Website Content Addressing Everyone it Should?
Potential clients often ask the same question, “Why are you different?” Well, our copywriting services are different because we don’t write just for optimization and content that sells; our writing is aimed at conversion. Who should YOU be addressing on every page of your site? All of these…and more! THE NEWBIE – If they are […]
I Love Google For This- Google Analytics
I wish I knew about Google Analytics sooner. This is valuable free info from Google that allows you to evaluate your visibility and success on the Internet. You can view the report as an Executive, Marketer or Webmaster. The report is broken down into the following areas:- I will discuss my favorites! Executive Overview Executive […]