Sarasota – Tampa Business Owners- Some facts before you pay for SEO & Monthly Contracts
I have reviewed some interesting contracts the last few days and I want to give you some information: Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) is FREE. Most of what I look at for services and monthly services on these stupid contracts is information you get for free from GWT. You shouldn’t pay monthly for information you are […]
Oh, the Lovely Client…Some Ideas On How to Get Along with Your Web-Services Provider
You know, I am not complaining. We all need clients and great friendships often result from business/client relationships, but there are a few things that occur over and over and over and it isn’t only me. My IM flashes all day with people pulling their hair out because a client has said or done something […]
SEOs, Search Engine Marketing Experts & Search Engine Bloggers- Please Read
I just have to say this because it bugs me to death as I read daily (not that I am picking or anything)… Internet is capitalized; “internet” is wrong. It should always be capitalized. Additionally, it really should be “web site “(unless you are from the UK-see wiki). Go to Merriam-Webster Online and type in […]
SEOs, Internet Marketers, Bloggers and Internet Addiction
I know that I have to spend a great amount of time on the Internet because I need to research and read daily. To be a successful blogger you must spend a great amount of time reading as well. The question is how much time is too much time on the Internet. Are we addicted […]
When You Have a Business the Internet Can Make You or Break You
I know as much as anyone how nerve-wracking it is to track your web site on the search engines while hoping that your business will become more visible. The sad truth is that it takes a lot of time and dedication to make sure your web site or blog does well in the search engines. Unfortunately, as […]