Great Articles I Retweeted This Week
12 Social Media New Year’s Resolutions For 2010 Google’s Personalized Results: The “New Normal” That Deserves Extraordinary Attention Google abandons Search Pinging vs. Ranking for Law Firm Blogs a Beginners Guide 12 Best Free Online Resources for Learning SEO 5 questions that will lead you to true word of mouth Why Google’s personalized search means social […]
I can’t stand personalized search! I can’t even stand the idea of it!
This is just my perspective of course. Let’s take SEO out of the equation completely and then let me give my reasons why I hate personalized search: I want to find my own stuff; I don’t want Google putting what they think I should see in front of me. Maybe I clicked on something by […]
Google Explains Personalized Results
We are always trying to explain personalized search to our clients or those that attend our seminars. Google has made an easy-to-understand video explaining personalized search, so we thought we would post it for those that currently work with us and for those that are considering it 😉