After many discussions with business owners I have found that many either don’t see things or don’t want to see things. So, here is a list of things that could apply to you:
- You might like your site, but in many cases others do not. Whether you want to spend the money or not you, need to get a better site.
- Not investing in a website and optimization is like playing football without the football! Or having a ham sandwich without the ham. Why have a website if you are not certain people are going to show up to your site? Why hire an “SEO Expert” that doesn’t understand how important the content is for the user and the search engines?
- The content you created that you think is fabulous may not actually be fabulous. If your content doesn’t offer visitors what they want to hear/read you have offered nothing! Consultants are not trying to insult your content; they are trying to help you convert.
- Getting a Twitter account is not going to automatically promote your services and products. Businesses keep telling me, “Well we are going to pay these people to make us big on Twitter!” Who are you paying? What do they really know about Twitter? There is nothing worse than some person just trying to sell on Twitter. You need to have a plan when creating a Twitter campaign. It doesn’t just happen. “Twitter magically creates online success” is like those magic weight loss pills everyone believes in (they work with exercise or you can exercise without the pills, your call).
- You can’t read 3 or 4 Internet marketing articles and know what you are doing. When has scratching the surface ever been productive for any business?
- It does actually cost money to have a website, optimization and Internet marketing consulting. We don’t just work for free because we enjoy it. If someone came to you and said talk to me for an hour about why I need your service and then said, “Well, I don’t have any money to spend on that” how would you feel? We are not stupid. We know you have money; you just haven’t figured out how crucial online advertising is yet (and guess what? You are behind!). Go with a cheap company now and a year or two from now you will come back to us and pay again…you have just lost time and money, but that is your call.
- Hiring someone that actually knows what they are doing is crucial for your success. Hiring your friend’s son or your nephew or a friend of a friend is a bad idea. Research and talk to many web businesses. How open with you are they? They may have a list of people you can call, but how do you know who these people are? Here is some better advice. Look at their portfolios and then start googling . Do their sites/videos/social media campaigns come up for their services/products/locations or is it just their business name? Do they come up at all? If their clients are popping up (more than one of course) then they may know what they are doing. I would also ask if they were responsible for the optimization? Sometimes the answer may just be that they created the logo.