I began my business creating a web site through GoDaddy’s Website Tonight and it was the best decision I ever made. One business has branched into three- all using Website Tonight. I am having a new site created for my main site, because I am now dealing with companies making millions of dollars and I need something that looks like I can provide services for large companies. BUT I believe that GoDaddy’s Website Tonight is the best option for smaller businesses to create Internet visibility for their business and I will tell you why:
- Website Tonight has hundreds of templates to choose from and they are easy to use and customize, add logos to, insert pictures, insert files for downloads, easy to adjust HTML for advertising, easy to create external and internal links…I could go on and on
- Website Tonight offers only CSS templates- Google likes CSS.
- An XML sitemap is created for you automatically and updates everytime you add a page.
- The content management system is easy for businesses to use. You an update your site’s content, add recent news, add pictures etc. You can change it all you want very easily.
- Optimization is easy with this system. You have access to everything you need.
- The hosting is crazy affordable- Example: unlimited pages, 4 GB space, 200 GB bandwidth, 400 email accounts, unlimited email forwards would cost you $10.39 a month if you chose a 24 month plan…shocking and awesome!
- I have 4 web sites through Website Tonight- Not one has ever had downtime- not once!
- The templates are W3C Compliant.
Now I Create the Sites for Others
I thought that this affordable way to make a successful, optimized web site was so great for small businesses that I began to offer my services to build the site for companies (for a very low price). Basically I go in and customize the whole thing, add logos, add content, add pictures, optimize, add shopping carts, etc.
I have created sites nationwide through Website Tonight. I do not list all of our clients, because some companies do not want their clients to know that their new web site was so inexpensive. One client that didn’t mind was Pacific Rim Restaurant in Sarasota. If you look at this site you can see the pictures we have added (still need some more), you can download menus, you can get directions, you can read the lunch/dinner/takeout/sushi menus and you can even look at the martini menu. You can see how versatile the templates are and why it might be perfect for you.
I know there are a lot of small businesses in Sarasota that need a web site, but they do not want to spend $5000-10,000. I get it and understand; I didn’t have to and my businesses is doing very well! So, if you need a site check out GoDaddy’s Website Tonight and hosting plans. They are great for those of you that want to save money. Check it out and save yourself some money. For those that are fairly good at a computer you could build it yourself. If it becomes too hard I am available anytime. I make these web sites for clients nationwide and I can help you out with yours.
Good Luck and go create an affordable and easy-to-maintain web site! All businesses deserve this!