Some “SEO Specialists” recommend obtaining content from places such as This web site and several others have a lot of fantastic articles and anyone can use them on their web site as long as they include the author’s name and information. The problem is that an article can be used for content by thousands (or more) web owners to plump their content. Google is one search engine that REALLY does not like duplicate content and if your site has the same article that many others have the article is consided duplicate content.
Duplicate content can also be a problem if an ecommerce site using a products given description- the same description that thousands of other web sites use.
Google has billions of pages to deal with and they do not want to present the same content to their Internet users. As a result, pages with duplicate content can be eliminated from the results when an Internet users types in the keyphrase. Additionally, a web site’s Page Rank can, and most likely will, drop. So, if you are planning to use any content on your site make sure it is unique. Re-write product descriptions or create your own article. Do not use these free articles on your site. I will not pay off.