It is important for every business, consultant, freelancer, home-based worker etc. to include their phone number(s) as part of their optimization strategy. I Google phone numbers all the time because my business phone gets tons of calls that are really a waste of my time. If I do not recognize a phone number I Google it to see if it is a potential client, a current client calling from an office number, someone cool (like Jim Hedger)…I could keep going, but you get the point. At times it helps me avoid people I do not want to talk to and many times it helps me keep track of those I want to talk to. It also eliminates me wasting more time with another company asking me to buy something or invest in something…
People Can Find You Via Your Phone Number
When your phone number is part of your optimization strategy you are insuring that people will find you from just your phone number. What if you have a number written down and you forgot whose number it was? In this situation I Google it and sometimes I find out who it is and other times I don’t. I have to be honest and say it is irritating when I cannot.
Optimizing for phone numbers can also be beneficial if someone was given your number and they want to look you up to learn about your services, products, business etc. If someone doesn’t have your complete name or they forgot your business name it is beneficial for all concerned if they can find your buy typing a few numbers into the search engines.
I have never denied I am weird, so let me add another weirdism about myself. I never forget a phone number if I have written down or called it, but I do forget names left and right. “Hey what’s your name?” is common for me 🙂 I am sure I am not the only one (I hope I am not!). When people include their phone number in their web site optimization I appreciate it. Optimize for your main business number and your cell.
Sarasota, Florida SEO, SEM and SMO.