Chrome, Is it Perfect? No…Do I Love It? Yes!
OK, I have worked on Web sites, wordpress accounts and CMSs all day!I have used my IE for some toolbars I love and Firefox for the add-ons. I have also used Chrome and I have tested it with everything I have done and I have to say the speed is remarkable. I have at least […]
So You Paid for SEO & Then An Email Comes Telling You Your Site Isn’t Doing Well…
I have clients and potential clients email me all the time after they receive emails from people saying, “Your site isn’t doing well in the search engines, here is an example…”. Well, let’s review an example. Let’s say there is a boat and jet ski rental business in Daytona Beach, FL and they show up […]
Some Thoughts on SEO Ethics by Matt McGee, Michael Gray, Jeff Quipp, Jim Hedger and More
I emailed some SEOs I respect and asked them if they could answer one of two questions for me: What are the top five ethical issues all SEOs should keep in mind? or What are the top five ethical problems you see in regards to SEO Here are some responses from: Matt McGee Michael Gray […]
In Case You Didn’t Know, Aaron Wall is Changing SEO Book’s Business Model
Aaron has decided to move away from selling SEO Book and move “toward selling a web based information product backed by a community forum that helped turn it into a service more than a product….On February 20th at midnight I am going to shift the default affiliate traffic location to pointing at the new landing […]
How did you come up with your business or blog name?? Here is my answer…
The name of my business is Panaca Writing & Design. I thought it was a good idea at the time, but now I have people asking all day how to pronouce it and what the heck “Panaca” means. I am one of those real mushy women and I wanted my family included so I took […]
Analytics- How Much Fun Do You Have Digging Through Your Stats?
I look at a lot of things, but one of the things I think is fun is seeing which family members and friends are looking at my sites and blogs. I have one “kind of a relative” that is one of those back-stabbing, gossip freaks who has actually tried to ruin my relationship with my […]
So You Want To Make Money Blogging? An Experiment Using SEO, SMO & Suggestions From Problogger
I have monitored all of the reports from my affiliates for months and I just have not made money on this blog. Problogger Darren Rowse said to aim your blog at a niche and I have, but it occurred to me the other day that anyone that comes to this blog already knows about SEO […]
You Now HAVE to Sell Through a Computer Screen to Be Successful Part 2- Video
In part 1 I talked about 4 things you need to have on a web site. Now I will discuss video… The Power of a Video We all know there are tons of videos out there. A lot of them are pure junk, but there are some great ones. My son got some drum lessons […]
SEO…What Is It? Why Do You Need It? Part 2- Universal Search
What does Universal Search Mean? Well, it means that when you search on Google you will now see things such as videos, news, products and images in the search results. Why is this important? Understanding Universal Search is VERY important, because you can now show up in search results for keyword phrases in a variety […]
Friday Humor- A Picture I Took in Dallas on Vacation
I was just shocked. I didn’t know that there was a store that specialized in this… I took this from the highway, sorry about the quality! Please, fill me in if you know about this store. How many condoms can there be??? Have a good Friday. Melissa-