I constantly write about businesses needing a web site because I don’t feel you can reach your full potential without one. Many businesses cannot function without one and they understand how crucial a web site is.
You Have to Sell Through a Computer Screen!
What is different in today’s world is that you actually have to sell your products and services through a computer screen. There is no talking or manipulation; there is only graphics and text. So, to do well with you need to ensure that your web site has everything your potential clients/customers need.
In Some Basic Web Site Psychology to Consider When Designing a Web Site I discussed “the package” which consists of four things your web site has to have:
The design of your web site needs to look great. It is obvious to everyone which sites are older and people do not trust an older looking, unattractive web site as much as they would trust a modern, attractive web site.
Believe it or not you have to create trust right away. The best way to start is to have a web site that says your business is capable and has the money to have a nice looking web site. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. There are several extremely affordable, and even cheap, ways to attain a great looking web site:
- Obtaining An Extremely Professional Web Site and Save Thousands
- Affordable, Optimized Web Design Services Available Nationwide? YES!
- Need a Great, Affordable, Interactive Web Site? I Found a Way to Have it ALL!
- Looking for the Right Web Site Design, But Have No Clue Where to Start?
Your web design needs to be attractive and also provide a background that allows the text to be read easily.
The navigation can either make or break a web site. It needs to be easy and obvious. If someone wanted an article on Digg and the navigation gave these options – SMO, SEM, SMO – would they know where to look? Probably not. Make it easy for them. You may want to read Your Web Visitors Don’t Want to Work or Think More Than They Have To.
Fancy navigation may be neat, but if it is not user friendly you have wasted your time and money! You can’t sell products/services if people can’t find them.
Your web copy needs to sell, inform, convince and create trust. Remember, you are selling through a computer screen. To sell you need to create copy that will entice the reader to buy your product(s) or invest in your services. Educate them and tell them why they need your product/service. No typos, no grammar mistakes and copy that is so convincing even your dog would want to invest!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important because without it people won’t be able to find you. Commercials and ads are fine, but you want to bring in those that are researching products/services (and there are plenty doing that). This is how you expand and make more money. This is how you reach your full potential.
I think every business needs to look at their web site from a different perspective- it is the biggest and most important sales tool they have! A lot of planning, time and effort goes into creating the perfect web site for your business, but it will be worth it in the end. Start looking at your web site as the most important sales tool and either create or edit accordingly.
Melissa- SEOAware.com