I was at a small business today getting some alterations done and the owner is super talented. They also offer some items for about a 10th of the typical price on the net. I told her the prices I have seen and that she could make more money featuring items on the net. She doesn’t have a web site.
We discussed the benefits of having a web site and I felt kind of bad because she could use more money. The best way to do that is to invest in a web site. You don’t have to spend a lot to do well one the net. I use templates and make the money I need to make (although I could use a lot more!).
This particular business could probably get twice the work in this market. There are no other web sites to compete with, so she could pretty much attract everyone looking for alterations in my area.
I have said it over and over and over. There are several ways to obtain a web site affordably. The links below are articles that give you several affordable options to choose from.
- Why I Love GoDaddy’s Website Tonight- You Can Have a VERY Affordable Web Site
- Need a Great, Affordable, Interactive Web Site? I Found a Way to Have it ALL!
- Affordable, Optimized Web Design Services Available Nationwide? YES!
- Obtaining An Extremely Professional Web Site and Save Thousands
- Looking for the Right Web Site Design, But Have No Clue Where to Start?
More Articles on Web Design Here
Melissa- SEOAware.com
The thing is, even if these small businesses don’t want to do global sales, they will profit by getting into local search. It doesn’t take much, it doesn’t take much with regards to a website, it’s not even expensive :). Local search appears to be in a state of GIGO (garbage in, garbage out), if you can help a business to get listed properly, chances are the competition will be small. If you’re new in town and need something, if you check local search you’ll find them. It’s like getting listed in the yellow pages — and if done correctly, a stepping stone to doing commerce on a larger scale (if they want to).
John, I agree. Originally I optimized for local search, but it ended up that I started getting more national business. However, the local business is the money that keeps things running smoothly financially. There are benefits to both! I say go for it all and see what happens.